Erik Vollebregt
I had the privilege to preside a session about eHealth and mHealth at the DIA Euromeeting in Amsterdam last week, joined by Mr Tapani Piha, Head of Unit for eHealth, Health Technology…
Erik Vollebregt
The DIA Euromeeting is quickly becoming a more an more interesting event for the medical devices community, as the DIA has been working on getting a full devices theme in place for…
Erik Vollebregt
Whenever Ms Minor from DG SANCO speaks at an event, everyone in the medical devices industry listens, hoping for new elements about where the Commission is going with the recast, review or…
Erik Vollebregt
Traditionally the borderlines between different categories of regulated products (medicinal products, medical devices, food, cosmetics, etc.) have been looked at as strict lines. More and more however it becomes evident that although…
Erik Vollebregt
I attended an interesting seminar today about software as medical device organised by NEN, the Dutch standardisation institute. Speakers at the seminar highlighted the different views on this subject from the perspective…