In the Life Sciences field, risks are encountered on all kinds of levels: scientific, technological, regulatory, and financial. To ensure these risks don’t slow you down, you need lawyers who focus on opportunities and are aware of obstacles. You need Axon Lawyers.
Axon Lawyers is a dedicated Life Sciences law firm. From medical devices to biotechnology, from pharmaceuticals to diagnostics, from medical apps to novel foods and biobased economy – we understand the markets, we know the science and we deploy our legal expertise to serve your strategic and business needs.
The advocates listed below have registered the following principal (and secondary) legal practice areas in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal areas:
a. Carine van der Brink is registered for the primary practice area of intellectual property law and corporate law, with a registration for the secondary practice area of mergers & acquisitions;
b. Erik Vollebregt is registered for the primary practice area of healthcare law;
c. Karin Verzijden is registered for the general legal practice area (“algemene rechtspraktijk”);
d. Cécile van der Heijden is registered for the general legal practice area (“algemene rechtspraktijk”);
e. Marnix Posthumus Meyjes is registered for the primary practice area of corporate law, with a secondary practice area of agency & distribution, directors’ liability, mergers & acquisitions and companies;
f. Max Luijkx is registered for the general legal practice area (“algemene rechtspraktijk”);
g. Judith de Wilde is registered for the general legal practice area (“algemene rechtspraktijk”).
Based on this registration, they are required to obtain ten training credits per calendar year in each registered principal legal practice area in accordance with the standards set by the Netherlands Bar.
Life sciences regulation is international, complex and always changing. Our team makes sure that you...
The compliance stakes that a company may face in the life sciences field are high,...
Whatever the activity, partnerships or business deal - commercial contracts are needed to ensure the...
Intellectual property rights are at the core of the life sciences industry. They are the...
If a company wants to acquire another company, intends to grant a license, or wants...
Companies in the biotech industry are highly dependent on funding in the form of equity,...
We know from experience that a fresh external view on strategic issues considerably benefits a...
Research and development and license agreements are essential in the life sciences field. From experience...
We have coached numerous scientific founders and knowledge institutes during spinning out inventions and intellectual...
Building on our thorough understanding of both the IVD sector and the (inter)national regulatory framework,...
Our internationally recognized medical technology practice advises leading established as well as startup innovative medical...
We advise a large number of companies and institutions active in pharmaceuticals, medical devices and...
In the fast expanding market for eHealth, mHealth and telemedicine, we provide our clients with...