

EU Eudamed database for medical devices: La Sagrada Familia or Chartes cathedral?

I had the pleasure of presenting at the Informa Conference on the Medical Devices Directives and the Revision in Brussels today. An nice conference with a good overview of what is coming our…


Axon Seminar Medical Devices Wednesday 14 November 2012

The seminar addresses the changes in the new medical devices regulation compared to current legislation. Speakers and their presentations: Sabine Hoekstra-Van den Bosch, Philips Healthcare Recast of Medical Device Directives Luc Sterkman,…


Eudamed enters into full force

The European Database on Medical Devices (Eudamed) is now finally upon us. As per article 6 of the Commission Decision establishing the Eudamed database, EU member states must apply the decision as of…

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