
MDR date of application next month – and the book

Finally! Another post on this blog. You would think that I would write a lot on a blog like this just before the date of application of the MDR next month, right? Well, I did – just not on the blog but I was working hard to finish my book on the MDR and IVDR […]


M&A in the medical devices sector: full seminar

On Wednesday 13 April I organised a seminar and realtime webinar at my firm about M&A in the medical devices sector, to discuss the legal and regulatory implications of an M&A project…


Mind the reminder for Medical Devices and M&A seminar

I know, nobody likes reminders. But this one is for a good cause: our free seminar / webinar about M&A  in the medical devices sector this Wednesday 13 April in the afternoon. …


M&A seminar: EU legal & regulatory aspects

Some time ago I wrote about issues often overlooked in medical devices M&A transactions. Because of the reactions to it I decided to organise a seminar at my law firm’s Amsterdam office…


Regulatory considerations typically overlooked in medical devices M&A transactions

It is a typical scenario: an M&A project is underway, gains momentum and before you know it the pressure is on. The deal must close in time! And then some regulatory points…


Business compliance and M&A

With the US authorities announcing that the pharmaceuticals and medical devices industries are squarely in the bullseye of FCPA enforcement and the UK Anti-Bribery Act‘s entry into force around the corner (April…


Medical devices sector ripe for mergers?

Last Friday 12 November 2010 I read the analysis item “Sluggish medical device sector ripe for mergers” on Reuters and a more elaborate version of that article on Yahoo. The articles signal…

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