Erik Vollebregt
“S is for scrutiny, which we’re not sure about”, that would be more or less the take home message of the MedTech Forum in Brussels that I attended last week from Wednesday…
Erik Vollebregt
Our seminar on IVD legal and regulatory issues of 12 september was a big succes. We had the passionate story of Henk Viëtor about Skyline Diagnostics’ efforts to bring its products to…
Erik Vollebregt
In my previous post on this topic I wrote that it looked like the Commission had changed tack to propose a pre-market authorisation (PMA) for medical devices after all. It turns out that…
Erik Vollebregt
Some time ago I wrote about the proposed ENVI resolution that the the EU Parliament’s ENVI committee adopted in reaction to the PIP breast implants scandal in the EU. At that time…
Erik Vollebregt
The European Parliament’s ENVI Committee (Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety) has added to the political pressure on the European Commission that is currently working on the proposal of…
Erik Vollebregt
Interesting developments after the joint plan for action that Commissioner Dalli sent to the member states in the beginning of February this year urging them to step up market surveillance in order to…
Erik Vollebregt
Whenever Ms Minor from DG SANCO speaks at an event, everyone in the medical devices industry listens, hoping for new elements about where the Commission is going with the recast, review or…