Karin Verzijden
The Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) has been pretty active this Summer. Following up on previous enforcement reports on nutrition claims, it recently published such enforcement report re. both…
Karin Verzijden
The use of nutrition and health claims is gaining wider application in the food industry. At the same time companies in the horticultural sector focus their marketing more and more at end…
Karin Verzijden
This seminar focussed on the food information and nutrition and health claims regulations. Speakers and their presentations: Bernd Mussler, DSM Marketing ingredients supported by EU Health claims Karin Verzijden & Sofie van…
Karin Verzijden
On 24 September 2014 our firm organizes a seminar addressing the developments in Functional and Medical Foods. Where? Next door to our office in Pakhuis de Zwijger. Functional foods The Institute of…
Karin Verzijden
From 21 – 24 June, the yearly conference of the International Food Technologists (IFT) took place in New Orleans, Louisiana. During this conference, over 16.000 food science and technology professionals discussed the…
Karin Verzijden
The role of national customs and self-regulatory bodies Introduction Recently, the Rotterdam District Court decided a dispute between Omega Pharma and Procter & Gamble on allegedly misleading advertising of food supplements. The…
Karin Verzijden
Food information services by Google Recently, Google added nutritional information into its search functionality relating to more than 1,000 food items ranking from fruits to vegetables and from meats to complete meals….
Karin Verzijden
This seminar addressed the legal and regulatory developments relevant to bringing novel food products to the market. Speakers and their presentations: Roger van Hoesel, Start Life Future of Food Karin Verzijden, Axon…