Something new for the end of the year: a new year’s vlog with my rough 2021 outlook. This outlook is far from complete and not comprehensive at all, and it leaves out many other important things. Make sure to stay informed (or as Kant the philosopher said: dare to be wise)! If you like this […]
Spoiler: at the moment basically nothing except more paperwork and trade barriers. It’s still a hard Brexit with a little sugar on top, essentially. Or, if you are a more glass half full kind of person: at least not all the way back to WTO rules but a just one step above that. After a […]
Wasn’t the MDR about More Data Required, and the same for the IVDR? Aren’t more and more devices running software that processes patient and user data? Isn’t the medical devices industry a very international business? Indeed – so the ability for companies working with the MDR and IVDR to transfer personal data internationally for all […]
A new blog post, a new step in the soap that is the non-transitional period of the MDR and the IVDR. I have jokingly paraphrased the absurdist painter Magritte by saying “céci n’est pas une période de transition”. I’m contemplating starting a T-shirts business with memes for the MDR and IVDR, with that meme and […]
It’s hard to keep up with all the work and the new publications of guidance these days. Abundance creates its own problems one could say, so that’s why this blog was slightly delayed. Due to the COVID-19 epidemic I have had to home quarantine the family, move the whole law firm to a virtual platform […]
What is this recommendation about? Obviously this recommendation is an attempt of the Commission to manage administative barriers to placing PPE (personal protective equipment) and medical devices on the market that would be needed in the struggle to get the current Covid-19 pandemic under control. In my view you can also see this as a […]
I have blogged before about the effects and possibilities of the Corrigendum of December 2019 for class I medical devices. I refer you to that blog for the background to this discussion, which covers the mechanics of timing. The draft corrigendum discussed in that blog was adopted as described. The new guidance The MDCG has […]
It has been some time since the MDCG guidance on cybersecurity for medical devices was released (MDCG 2019-16 December 2019), so everybody has probably had the opportunity to get used to the document by now. While the document is by no means ideal or even flawless (congratulations MDCG on a glaring spelling mistake in the […]
Following the European Parliament’s vote, the Council has now also agreed to the Brexit with its decision on the conclusion of the withdrawal agreement on behalf of the EU. The EU Parliamentarians sang off the UK members and celebrated that they never have to speak to Nigel Farage again. UK EU civil servants are clearing […]